
The Abkhazian Language


One of the most ancient languages in the world — the Abkhazian language appeared on the world map in the 4th-2nd centuries В. С as a result of the disintegration of the common of the common West-Caucasian parent-language into the independent Adygei. Ubykh (today a dead language) and enters the Abkhazo-Adygei or West-Caucasian group of North-Caucasian languages. The North-Caucasian languages today represent relics of a once extensive language community, existing, according to specialists, approximately 7.000 years ago and embracing the whole of the Caucasus and vast regions southwards. Later the Kartvel (Georgian) tribes wedged into this ethnic massif, pressing the Khatts to the south, and the Abkhazo-Adygeis to the north-west, settling down near the Kuban and Western Transcaucasia. The parent-homeland of the Kartvels was situated outside the bounds of Western Transcaucasia in the north-eastern area of Asia Minor, from where the Svans migrated at first to the region under study (either straight through the Chorokh ravine and along The seacoast to loday"s Colchis, or then, which is more logical, along the Kury ravine to the regions of Eastern Transcaucasia abjoining it and further to the west), and at the beginning of the 1st century B.C. a collapse took place of the ancestor Kartozansk community and their displacement to the north by two routes — the Karts pushed the Svans into the mountains north-east of Colchis, and the Svan tribes advanced into the Colchis ecological recess, pressing the parent-Abkhazians lo the north... There where today line Kartvel peoples live (West-Georgians, Mingrels, Lazys), relic toponyms seem to appear through the solid strata of Kartvel toponyms and can be compared with the toponyms ol Abkhazo-Adygei origin. Abkhazian elements are also traced in the languages of the Mingrels and Lazys, and in the group of geographical appellations of the maritime areas of Asia Minor and South-Western Transcaucasia of Abkhazo-Adyyi origin.

A statement by the writer Likofrou ol the Alexandrian epoch of the 3rd-2nd centuries В. С is an indicative document of the historical fact that the ethno-geographical borders of the Abazgovs with the Lazys passed along the river Fasis (today Rionf, and that the latter by origin came from Egypl. The «Colchi» — also called Lazys — are migrants from Hgypt, living close to the Abazgovs.. ...Ihey live in the same parts of Asia as the Fasis...» Thai is how the well-known commentator of the 12th century Tsets translated Likofron"s information. In turn, the Georgian scholar T. S. Kaukhchishvili comments this fact in the following way: «... The Coichi consequently were called Lazys (more exactly, in the historical aspect, the Lazys took the place of (he Colchi in the history of Western Caucasia), and the Coichi/Lazys were neighbours of the Abazgovs...»