
Exclusive interviews for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia with Syrian returnees


Mr. Milad Haider Gogoa

Finished his undergraduate studies at the University of Damascus , Department of English , newly married and has no children.

"I came with the family to the Republic of Abkhazia on 19 \ 4 \ 2013 with the first flight , it was my first visit to ancestral land , but were not as well as for my father and my uncles so I have beautiful Caliph about this country . Upon our arrival was greeted by a delegation of the Commitee in the famous hotel ITAR after a period we moved to a hotel KAK -DOPRA in Trbazh , we meet our relatives of the same family and that was the first step towards a real sense of belonging to this country . married in the Republic of Abkhazia and the Abkhaz family contributed significantly to success this wedding taking into account the difference some of habits in ceremonies, so i was surprised by thier goodness heart and assimilated , as has help me to find an opportunity to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Abkhazia , was the right opportunity to give something back and make to myself a new goal to bring Abkhazia to all parts of the Arab world through the official page of the Ministry on site and official page on Facebook ( hello Abkhazia ) and by Wikipedia , this is because I see a bright future for this republic and the rapid development that is passing through . eventually like to thank all the Abkhaz people in general and the Commitee in particular not forgeting thier to help me and thier special gift on the occasion of my marriage "

Mr. Sami Jtaker Aaroty

Single man and wishes to marry an Abkhazian girl, 25 years old graduated from the University of Nalchik department of tourism and services .

"After undergraduate study in Nalchik , i thought immediately to return to Abkhazia , where my family was present and waiting for me , I speak fluent Russian , which was easy to me to integrate here faster. Submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia intent to work and has been appointed as administrator for the Arabic language on the official page for the Ministry addition to communicate with the Arab countries . unfortunately that all members of our Abkhaz family have emigrated but our relationship with the community very beautiful , I wish all the Abkhaz Who in all parts of the world to return home so we can stand as one hand for the development of this great country , because such a country with a long history must have a prosperous future at all levels . "