
Dialects of Abkhaz language


The Abkhaz language is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world, which is the official language of the Republic of Abkhazia and the related Northwest Caucasian languages ​​(Abkhaz-Abaza group).

It is widespread in Abkhazia and Turkey, as elsewhere in the Middle East (Jordan, Syria, Iraq), in Russia according to the census the Abkhaz language is spoken by 9447 people. Related are Abaza, Adyghe (Circassian), Ubykh (now almost extinct) languages.

The average total number of speakers can be estimated in the range of 120-130 thousand people.

Now the Caucasus remained carriers of only three dialects:

- Abzhui in Ochamchira district

- Bzyb in the Gudauta district

-Samurzakan in the villages like Reka, Agubedia, Ochamchira district and in the part of the village Chhuartal- Gal district.

Carriers of other dialects were mainly resettled in Turkey:

- Pskhuvskiy- it still spoken in Abkhazian villages in central Turkey;

- Tsebelda-Dalsky- It still spoken in Turkey in Abkhazian villages in the western provinces of Bilecik, Bursa and Eskisehir.

- Sadz (zapadnoabhazskoe) adverb. All its speakers moved to Turkey, where it has been preserved in several villages.

Prior to the 1860s. Abkhazian dialects were distributed along the Black Sea coast and the southern slopes of the Caucasus Range in the west- Ubykhs and Svaneti to the east.

Literary Abkhazian language based on the dialect of Abzhui.