
August 14 - Day of Remembrance of Abkhazia defenders


August 14 turns 25 years since the beginning of the Patriotic War of the Abkhaz Nation 1992-1993. In the hot August day, the Georgian State Council troops invaded the territory of Abkhazia, began a bloody war that lasted 413 days and was completed on September 30th by the victory of the Abkhaz people. The fighting process were involved over 12 thousand people. According to the Defense Ministry of Abkhazia more than 2,700 people were killed, and more than 5,000 injured. More than 200 people were missing. For the independence of Abkhazia together with our people fought volunteers from the North Caucasus, Southern Russia, representatives of the Abkhaz diaspora from abroad.

Only 20 years after the war, the leadership of Abkhazia with the assistance of the Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross began the process of exhumation and identification of the remains of unidentified soldiers killed in the war. Currently identified the remains of 19 fighters.