
Abkhaz wedding


Abkhaz weddings well known in many of its splendor, a large number of guests and the traditional celebration. Before the wedding, the groom's family send a delegation for the bride. It was headed by a senior, respected person, perhaps a neighbor, at the same time equal to the position in society with relatives of the groom. Members of the delegation had to make sure that the girl in the new family will be treated with respect and care.

Parents of the bride in any case, did not appear at the wedding. Neither the mother nor the father. On her part, at the celebration could appear 7-8 people, and this was considered very much. Guests of the bride was supposed to behave modestly.

Number of guests at weddings in ancient times and now cannot be compared. Before their quantity was 200-300 of guests, and now they are much more.

Modern wedding tables abound with a variety of dishes. Previously, this was not. While they are helping each other who could. Pre-prepared several meat dishes. Abysta and achash (traditional dishes) usually served hot with prepared gravy walnut and cherry plum.

In our time on the wedding invite singers, dancers from different groups. While older sang and accompanying themselves by clapping.